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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most commonly received questions 



What can I expect from a consultation?

Each consultation is between 60 and 90 minutes depending on which type of session you prefer.  It can be done in person or over Zoom/Teams.  Either way, it will be recorded and sent to you along with relevant charts so that you can refer back to it whenever you want.  The sessions are interactive; more like a conversation than me just babbling on about astrology.  It is really important to me that you understand your chart.


How do I pay for the consultation?

I accept e-transfers or payment through Paypal.  I only begin to work on a chart after receiving payment.


Why do you need the birth time and location?

This is critical information so that I cast an accurate chart for you. I spend several hours preparing and researching your chart and do not want to waste my time (or yours!) working on an inaccurate chart.  If you do not know your birth time (very common!), book a rectification consultation where I can "reverse engineer" your birth time. 


Are you a psychologist?

No, I am not.  I am a certified life coach as well as a trained astrologer. My style of consultation will hopefully help you learn about your chart and become aware of patterns that have been working in the background of your life. I believe with greater awareness of these patterns, you may make more informed choices about your life. No advice given here! Hopefully, clarity and support!


How often should I come for a consultation?

Optimally, on an annual basis. Near your birthday is best! Otherwise when you have questions or are wondering about a certain area of your life: balance, relationships, family, career, money are just a few examples.

Feel free to submit your questions to our monthly mailbag here!  ​

Fate &
Free Will

An excerpt from my studies

Fate and Free Will? 

The question of fate and free will comes up often when discussing Astrology and really any discipline where clients are looking for direction in their life and answers to their personal issues. The introduction of a psychological point of view in Astrology advanced the concept of
intermingling social science with ancient archetypes and mythologies. When working with clients, it is so important to respect their process and communicate any insights from their natal charts with compassion and empathy.

Overriding all of this is our own philosophy of choice, personal responsibility and consequences. What follows is a brief outline of my view using questions from Article 2.1 as prompts to the key issues.

How much choice we believe we have in our lives, how much are our lives fated or pre-determined, and, if we think our lives are pre-ordained, from where does this determination arise? Life is mostly about choice and living with the consequences of those choices. The
sentiment behind the choices may change over time as we learn from the natural (and imposed) consequences of our actions. It is not an accident where we are born, or at what time or what day. We may be fated in the sense that we are born to the perfect parents and familial
situation that will eventually teach us the lessons we are here to learn.

Where do we see fate arising from and how much room do we feel there is for adjusting and changing outcomes? What is our view about which events can be changed or negotiated in our lives and what can’t be changed? Fate may arise from a higher power, a God, Allah, or whatever
term you use for it. There is the opportunity to change outcomes by changing our choices. Past events cannot be changed but may offer a perspective on whether we chose wisely and whether we could choose differently if the issue arises again.

Might we think that our early family patterns determine our future? How then do we feel we can respond to these influences? Do we feel that we have no influence or do we feel that we can influence, adjust and change our lives and our future? Our family of origin does have a huge influence on our lives. This is based on what we learned from our parents, siblings, neighborhood and early schooling. We can change the trajectory of our lives through heightened awareness and a willingness to grow and change.

What kind of relationship do we then have with fate through astrology? The natal chart could be considered our ‘fate’ or at least the potential of our fate. We could look at the balances and archetypes within a chart and use them to learn more about our inner world and how it
manifests in the outer world. It could be a useful part of our psychological toolkit with which we face the world.

If we meet a challenging circumstance in our lives what is our response? Do we look at our transits just to see what the planets are doing and perhaps expect the worst and worry. Or do we look with a view of how we might respond or act to mitigate, adjust or influence the
situation? What is our approach and philosophy in practice? Awareness may derive itself from more than one source. Awareness may come from looking at past experiences and choices, evaluating the results of the choices and then consciously making the same or different choice. The use of transits, directions and progressions could offer awareness, a heightened sense of our behaviour patterns and/or a futuristic perspective from which we make our choices.


Einstein said, “The definition of insanity is repeating the same behaviours and expecting a different result.” If we are blinding walking through life with no regard for the effects of our behaviours, we may not have the awareness to make better (more evolved) choices. The aspiration of any astrologer is to empower clients to grow, learn and manifest their highest self.

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