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New Moon Meetings

We take a look at the potential impact of these important lunar phases with a deep dive into some individual natal charts volunteered by attendees. Every new moon is an opportunity to set intentions for the month or so ahead. It is when the sun and moon come together, luminaries unite and our needs and wants are as close as they can get. All new moon meetings are free to join.

Join us

New Moon Meetings are each month prior to the actual event to capture this important lunar energy.  You can access the meeting link from the sessions listed in the calendar below, or download and add it to your own calendar.  


Please note the days and times listed at the below is NOT the same as the meeting schedule. Generally we meet the day before the new moon at 6:30pm Pacific Time however the that exact meeting days/time may vary and the calendar will have the most up to date information and link to join

To join our new moon meeting please RSVP with the button below and be sure to include your birth DATE, TIME and LOCATION. 

Stay up to date with the New Moon Meetings by adding the calendar directly with the link below

View all meeting dates and links

New Moon Specific Details

September 2024-August 2025 
List of New Moons including: date, degree, which sign it is occurring in and exact time. 

  • September 2, 2025 
    11 04' in Virgo 6:56 PM PDT

  • October 2 2024 Solar Eclipse
    10 03’ Libra 11:49 AM PDT

  • November 1 2024
    9  35’ Scorpio 5:47 AM PDT

  • ​November 30 2024
    9 32’ Sagittarius 10:21 PM PST

  • December 30 2024
    9  43’ Capricorn 2:26 PM PST


  • ​January 29 2025
    9  51’ Aquarius 4:36 AM PST


  • February 27 2025
    9  40’ Pisces 4:44 PM PST


  • March 29 2025
    9  00’ Aries 3:58 AM PDT


  • April 27 2025
    7  46’ Taurus 12:30 PM PDT


  • May 26 2025
    6  05’ Gemini 8:02 PM PDT


  • June 25 2025
    4  07’ Cancer 3:31 AM PDT


  • July 24 2025
    2  08’ Leo 12:11 PM PDT


  • August 22 2025
    0  22’ Virgo 11:06 PM PDT

Add calendar for most up to date schedule and links for New Moon Meetings. Click link and press blue + on bottom right corner.

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